The duck was amusing, but the dog was a whole 'nother story. I took a comment on Sharon's Facebook page to remind me about it.
Once more we were at a Lions Council of Governors. On this occasion there were three councils present rather than the customary two because it was the last meeting for the sitting Governors and the first for the incoming Vice Governors. In other words the attendance was much larger than otherwise.
The meeting is set up with a head table where the multiple district office manager, Council Chair and two Vice Council Chairs are sitting. There are two rows of tables arranged in wings on either side of the head table for the District Governors, District Governors (elect) and the Vice District Governors (elect). The balance of the audience, made up of spouses, partners, significant others, VIPs, committee chairs and committee members, are facing the head table and two wings. There is an open area on either side of the head table adjacent to each wing. I am seated at the head table on one end as Vice Council Chair. I thought I was elected because of my qualifications. Now I realize it was because everyone could keep an eye on me up there.
One of the DGEs has a companion dog, and older chocolate Labrador named Blitzen, who is resting [I am still quite confused by laying and lying] quietly at his feet and about eight feet to my right.
We were in the midst of committee reports and recommendations. Of course every one of the committees had something which asked for a vote. That required that one of the governors make a motion, that it be seconded by another governor, there would be discussion and then it would be voted up or down... pretty routine stuff and a lot of it had been discussed in caucus.
At this particular instance a recommendation for a change to the constitution and by-laws was made. The details are unimportant other than that when the request for a motion was made there was dead silence for about ten seconds. Then, suddenly, there was a loud, obnoxious hacking sound from the floor where Blitzen appeared to be trying to cough up a hairball.
Well, I'm not sure it's necessary to tell you that the room erupted. There were those who were actually able to see Blitzen and were laughing. Then there were those whose view was blocked, including the party making the request and those over on the left wing, who thought I was making a comment about the proposed change. I will be the first to admit I did nothing to disclaim it. First, because I was laughing too hard and, second, because most wouldn't have believed me anyway.
"Laying" (to lay) is an active verb in which a bird lays and egg, you lay a cloth on a table.
ReplyDelete"Lying" (to lie) is a passive verb in which a book is lying on the table.
I think.
and that's why the dog was resting