A pictorial reminder not to take anything for granted

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Really... we're back on this blog again... when out an about.
It's not Facebook ...that's a good thing.
It probably Maybe it means I can leave the laptop at home.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Feline Friday's are getting to be a bad habit

THIS is just so wrong.
 But I saw it and now I can't unsee it.

This isn't a lot better

That's three in a row.


  1. I know what that cats wants. Yes I do.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday. :)

  2. LOL the look on that cats face.

    I liked the photos they were fun haha!

    Have a catastic weekend ;-)

  3. oh yeah....I CAN read that cats mind! Hilarious and do have a great day!

  4. That cat is plotting for sure. The bride's pictures were strange...who thinks up this stuff?

  5. Holy cats! I got the cat looking at the bird...the brides...that was certainly unexpected!! I eloped; no cat throwing!!

  6. Love the look on this cat's face... "dinner"! :-) My pleasure in viewing the cat tossing photos was in knowing that if such a feat was truly ever attempted the unwitting guest who attempted to "catch" the cat would be surely rewarded for it's effort by two sets of flailing claws! ;-)


Be nice!